Worship begins at 10 a.m. which is a relaxed atmosphere where we dress casually, and following worship each week, we enjoy coffee, pastelitos, and fellowship together. If you are interested in worshipping with us via Zoom please email [email protected] for the link.
Most Sundays, we meet at Eastminster Presbyterian Church 211 N 11th St, Nashville, TN 37206, which meets in the chapel of Woodland Presbyterian. After parking in the lot behind the church, we enter the church through the ramp at the far end of the building. Since this is a paid parking lot, please pick up a parking pass inside the church to place on your dash for free parking.
Once a month, we do not meet at Eastminster but at our sister church, Nueva Vida Presbyterian 416 E Thompson Ln, Nashville, TN 37211, which meet in the fellowship hall of Glencliff Presbyterian for “Desayuno Con Jesus,” with worship around tables and a meal. These are the Sundays in on 2025 when we will meet at Nueva Vida:
January 5th | May 4th | September 7th |
February 2nd | June 1st | October 5th |
March 2nd | July 6th | November 2nd |
April 6th | August 3rd | December 7th |
These dates may shift due to holidays.

Children’s Ministry
Children are always welcome in worship at Eastminster.
Ordinarily, the children stay in worship through the first songs and then are dismissed to children’s church, though children are welcome to (and often do) stay in worship with their parents.
Prayer Group
Prayer Groups meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. Please contact us for the address.